Thursday, May 31, 2012

Drinking Syrup - 3 Days Till Surgery

It's Friday, and my surgery is three days away. I'm SO excited! The 10-day liquid diet is not nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be. After the first 5 days I got used to the reduced food intake and the lack of junk food.

Tuesday was a really tough day at work, after being off for three days for the Memorial Day weekend, and I was late getting home to boot. Alex needed to be driven over to York Little Theater for a rehearsal at 6:30. I didn't have time to make my shake, and I was starving since the last thing I had was a shake at 11:30am. We are driving to the theater and Alex says: "But Dad! I haven't had any dinner yet!" My response of "You and me both, kiddo! Suck it up!" didn't sit well with the grumpy 13-year-old sitting next to me in the minivan.

So, I did what came naturally and pulled into the McDonalds on the way, but when I got in line at the drivethrough I realized I couldn't order anything for myself. Again, it was easier to resist than I thought it would be, given my love of McDonalds burgers. Anyway, I ordered Alex's dinner, and was about to finish my order when I realized they had Decaf Diet Coke on the menu. I had given up Diet Coke when I started my liquid diet because I won't be able to have caffiene or carbonated drinks, so it was one of those great moments when I realized I could still drink a soda (without cafeine) before Monday.

I was giddy with the thought of drinking an ice cold soda! After we got our order and drove off, Alex put the straw in my drink and I pulled it out of the cup holder, and took a huge swig of that wonderful.....   EWWW!!  YUCK!!  It's HORRIBLE! I almost had to pull over and hang my head out the window and puke. It tasted so sickenly sweet I thought I had gulped straight pancake syrup instead of a Diet Coke. I was tempted to throw it out, but I brought it home and asked Holly to try it, to make sure it was my tastebuds, not the Diet Coke. She took a sip (as I silently cringed) and then said it was fine. I said: "I got it just for you, sweetie!"  <shhhh... that's our little secret!>

Got a busy day tomorrow, then Sunday it's Colon Blow time. Then off to surgery on Monday morning. They do two of these surgerys a day, so I will go in eather at 5:15am (UGG!) or 9:45am (meh). I hope to get a call later today to confirm my arrival time.

I have to get some sleep. My last day of work, until I return after surgery and recovery, starts in just 4 1/2 hours.

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