Monday, May 28, 2012

Holy Crap! I weigh how much?

"Holy Crap! I weigh how much?"

A phrase I often found spinning through my head whenever I went to the doctors and the nurse read aloud the number from the scale. If you know me, you have seen me struggle with my weight my whole life. Food is a comfort to me. Life is tough. I eat and life isn't as tough. Pretty simple formula to a very large Steve.

I decided I'd had enough.

10 months ago I entered a program that will culminate in me getting surgery to permanently change how I eat. It's been exciting and scary, but mostly exciting. The goal of the program is to educate surgery candidates on what the surgery is, what you will be able to eat and what you won't be able to eat, how much, and when. Mixed in were some great lessons around why we eat what we do, exercise ideas, and some good old-fashioned group therapy to keep us motivated and focused on our goals.

My surgery is scheduled for June 4th, 2012. If you're reading this AFTER that date, you can skip ahead; I'm certain the post-surgery posts will be much more interesting. 

I didn't want to write any blog entries before now, because for so many months it wasn't clear when I would get a surgery date. I'll go back and cover all of that at some point, but for now suffice it to say, it's been a real roller-coaster ride getting here.

To wrap up this post I'll give you a status update:

I'm on DAY 5 of the 10-DAY pre-surgery liquid diet designed to build my protein reserves and shrink my liver*. At times it has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. At others it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. 

That's it for today. My dinner awaits: 8oz shake and two celery sticks. 

(*)Interesting Factoid: Your liver sits on top of your stomach. It's in the way if surgeons are trying to mess with your stomach. Eliminating Dairy, Meat, and Breads from your diet dramatically shrinks it.

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